• 커뮤니티
  • 이용현황
  • 신착 학술지 목차 안내


신착 학술지 목차 정보 안내(9.30_33종 34책)
작성자 관리자 조회수 21
외국학술지지원센터 9월 30일 입수 학술지 목차 정보 안내해 드립니다.

첨부 파일 참고하시고 많은 이용 바랍니다.


No 저널명 ISSN Volume Issue
1 ATW 1431-5254 69 5
2 Advances in structural engineering 1369-4332 27 11
3 Applied soft computing 1568-4946 163  
4 Archives of computational methods in engineering 1134-3060 31 5
5 Artificial intelligence in medicine 0933-3657 155  
6 Journal of aerospace engineering 0893-1321 37 5
7 Atomization and sprays 1044-5110 34 1-2
8 Biosensors & bioelectronics 0956-5663 263  
9 The Canadian journal of chemical engineering 0008-4034 102 9
10 Computer networks 1389-1286 251  
11 Computers & structures :an international journal 0045-7949 302  
12 IEEE security & privacy 1540-7993 22 4
13 IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 1545-5955 21 3
14 IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 1551-3203 20 8
15 IEEE transactions on plasma science 0093-3813 52 5
16 Information & management 0378-7206 61 6
17 International journal of electronics 0020-7217 111 7/9
18 Ionics 0947-7047 30 9
19 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 0924-2716 216  
20 Journal of chemical information and modeling 1549-9596 64 15
21 Journal of circuits, systems, and computers 0218-1266 33 12
22 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 0001-4966 156 1
23 Journal of the Energy Institute 1743-9671 116  
24 Journal of ultrasound in medicine 0278-4297 43 9
25 Journal of computer languages 2590-1184 80  
26 Mathematics of operations research 0364-765X 49 3
27 Microfluidics and nanofluidics 1613-4982 28 8
28 Online information review 1468-4527 48 5
29 Optics and lasers in engineering 0143-8166 182  
30 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 0099-1112 90 9
31 Queueing systems 0257-0130 107 3/4
32 SIAM journal on control and optimization 0363-0129 62 3
33 Wireless personal communications 0929-6212 137 4